From Cigarettes To Vaping: How Claire Finally Quit.


Claire (name changed for privacy) was a smoker for 15 years before she switched to vaping, thinking it was a safer alternative.

However, she soon realized that vaping was just as addictive and harmful as smoking, and decided she wanted to quit for good.

She tried all the usual methods, like nicotine patches, gum, and medication, but none of them worked for her. She felt frustrated and hopeless, and wondered if she would ever be free from nicotine.

That’s when she heard about hypnotherapy and how it helps people quit smoking and vaping without medication and terrible side-effects.

She decided to give it a try, and booked a free consultation.

When we spoke we talked about how hypnotherapy is a natural and effective way to change the subconscious beliefs and habits that keep people hooked on nicotine.

She also learned that hypnotherapy is not mind control or magic, but a collaborative process that empowers the client to take charge of their own health and well-being.

Claire signed up for a customized quit vaping program that consisted of two sessions over two weeks.

In each session, she was guided into a relaxed state of mind, where she received positive suggestions and affirmations that reinforced her desire to quit vaping.

She also learned some self-hypnosis techniques that she could use at home to cope with any cravings or triggers. She felt more confident and motivated after each session, and noticed that her urge to vape was gradually decreasing.

By the end of the 2-week program, Claire was completely vape-free.

She felt proud of herself and happy with her achievement.

She noticed that she had more energy, better breathing, and improved sense of taste and smell.

She also saved a lot of money that she used to spend on vaping products.

She said that quitting vaping was the best decision she ever made, and that hypnotherapy was the best tool she ever used.

If you want to follow Claire’s example and quit vaping for good, book your free consultation today. You have nothing to lose but your addiction. You can do it!

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