All work and no wine makes Jack a dull boy…


Jack had a stressful job that required him to travel frequently, causing him to miss precious time with his family, and deal with demanding clients.

He started drinking wine every night to unwind and relax.

Just a glass…to start.

He thought it was harmless, but soon he realized he was drinking more than he intended.

He would finish a bottle of wine by himself, and sometimes even open another one.

He felt guilty and ashamed, but he couldn’t stop. The pressure from work, just wouldn’t let go. He got embarrassed when people noticed or commented on the few extra kilos he was starting to pick up and he had difficulty motivating himself to get to the gym in the morning, feeling sluggish as he started each day.

He tried to quit on his own, but he always ended up drinking again. He felt weak and hopeless. He was afraid of losing his health, his family, and his career.

He knew he needed help, but he didn’t want to go to rehab or attend AA meetings. He felt embarrassed and isolated.

So he decided to try hypnotherapy after a close friend who cared deeply for him recommended it.


He was nervous at first, but he was willing to give it a try.

During the session, Jack entered a state of deep relaxation and focused attention. Jack was able to identify and change the personal demons that were driving his wine addiction.

Jack also learned the skills he could use to cope with stress and cravings. Jack started to feel his self-esteem and belief in himself rising.

After a few sessions, Jack noticed a remarkable reduction in his alcohol consumption and his overall well-being.

He felt more in control of his drinking and his life. He was able to reduce his wine intake gradually and eventually made the decision to stop completely.

He began to feel more calm, happy, and fulfilled. He enjoyed his work more and spent more quality time with his family and friends.

Jack is one of the many people who have successfully overcome alcohol addiction with hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy can help you address the root cause of your addiction and empower you to make positive changes.

If you want to learn more about how hypnotherapy can help you (or a loved one) overcome alcohol addiction, book your free consultation below. You’ll be glad you did. 😊

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