From sugar addict to happy role model to her kids


Can I ask you some hard questions?

Do you struggle with cravings for sugar? Do you find it hard to resist the temptation of sweet treats? Do you feel guilty or ashamed after indulging in sugary foods?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are certainly not alone. Sugar addiction is a real and serious problem that affects many people here in New Zealand.

Sugar consumption has been linked to a host of health problems, such as diabetes, tooth decay, mood swings, and most frustratingly unwanted weight gain.

I’m going to call her Paula. Paula was fed up with sugar, and was finally ready to do something about it.

Paula, a 35-year-old mother of two wonderful children. She described herself to me as addicted to sugar since she was a child. She used to eat chocolate, biscuits, cakes, and ice cream every day, sometimes even for breakfast.

She felt powerless to control her cravings and often binged on sugar when she was stressed, bored, or lonely. She gained a lot of weight, had recently developed type 2 diabetes, and suffered from low self-esteem and depression.

She kept trying diets and programs to quit sugar, but nothing worked, despite all their lofty promises. She always ended up relapsing and feeling worse than before. She felt hopeless and helpless.

Then a friend told her about hypnotherapy and we talked about her options during the free consultation that I offer.

In the end she decided to give it a try, she felt that she had had nothing left to lose.

We had three sessions of hypnotherapy over three weeks. During each session, I guided her into a relaxed and focused state of mind and gave her suggestions to reduce her sugar intake, increase her motivation, boost her confidence, and cope with stress and emotions in healthy ways.

She also received a personalised hypnosis recording that she listened to every day at home. The recording reinforced the suggestions and helped her stay on track.

The results were startling.

Paula told me that she had noticed a dramatic decrease in her sugar cravings and consumption. She no longer felt the urge to eat sugar all the time. She started to enjoy healthier foods and drinks. She lost weight, improved her blood sugar levels, and felt happier and more energetic.

She said: “Hypnotherapy changed my life. I never thought I could beat my sugar addiction, but I did. I feel like a new person. I have more control over my eating habits and my emotions. I have more self-respect and self-love. I am proud of myself and grateful I took the chance to try hypnotherapy.

If you want to follow Paula’s example and overcome a sugar addiction with hypnotherapy, book a free consultation today at the link below.

Don’t let sugar ruin your health and happiness. Take action now, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

To your success,

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