Ready To Stop Smoking? No Easier Way Than This.
To stop smoking now isn’t easy, but the immediate health benefits are shocking. No matter how old you are, there’s a dramatic reduction in risk for smoking-related diseases that you can start getting now. These include:
Quitting before middle age reduces the risk of lung cancer by 90%.
After 12 to 15 years of being a non-smoker, the risk of stroke is reduced to that of a person who has never smoked
After one year of being a non-smoker, the increased risk of death from heart attack is greatly reduced
Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Blenheim:
Here at Ntrance we proudly developed our Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Programme which helps you eliminate unwanted habits and is even easier than losing weight. The reason for this is simple: Quitting smoking is simply a “Yes” or “No” decision. Do we need to smoke to survive? The simple answer is “No!” Whereas we still require food to live and exist. So the decision around weight control is more complex.
Most people trying to quit smoking, started smoking from a very young age, often as an adolescent and have never lived smoke-free in their adult life. The adult part of them may have no idea how to cope with with difficulty and responsibility of making adult decisions, without the assistance of the crutch of cigarettes.
The Ntrance Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Programme:
We start with some deep relaxation, and focus on identifying the deeply ingrained smoking habits. We change beliefs and bringing about permanent change. This takes place over a two week period and in that time, we can allow the mind and body to process and introduce new habits. Thus preparing for the new way of doing things and behaving.
This programme is designed to bring about lasting and permanent change for you. By completing the programme, it is the intention that you are now a non-smoker without withdrawal symptoms. With the assistance of hypnosis it is so much easier to give up smoking with the therapy being tailored to you, because smoking is a Yes or No decision.
The smoking cessation programme works and has great and proven success record. As many people who have been through this programme come out the other end and when checked six months later, remain proud non- smokers. And that IF you really feel the urge to smoke within that six months, you can come back and we will do a top up session.
The cost: probably just a fraction of what you are already spending on cigarettes! The first session, about two hours, investigates all the issues around your smoking habit, and sets you on the right path. Where we discuss together the commitment to change. We reinforce this with hypnosis. A process which helps you to be more focussed, to create the change you are looking for.
Stop Smoking Now
The second hypnotherapy session now reinforces that you have had YOUR LAST CIGARETTE EVER.
We charge $300 for the two hypnosis sessions, payable on the first session. Fun fact: if you’re now smoking a pack a day, the cost of this programme is less than two weeks of cigarettes. It’s a gift that keeps on giving (your wallet and lungs will thank you).
When you leave, you will receive advice on how to manage the quitting process. You’ll also receive an MP3 player with a reinforcing track to give you a daily boost. You can listen to this anytime, anywhere, and for as long as you feel the need.
After the two sessions, if ever, in the first six months, you feel yourself thinking about smoking again, you can give us a call. We will do our best to fit you in as quickly as possible. We are as determined as you to make your quitting last permanently.
Here’s to your new smoke-free life.
My name is Chris and I run a small, private hypnotherapy clinic where I help clients to stop smoking now. I’m a few hours north of Christchurch NZ in Blenheim by the Marlborough Sounds.
One of the biggest questions clients ask me is “but does hypnotherapy work for fears and anxieties?”. So I wrote this post as a little calming bedtime story.
Your success, growth, privacy and comfort are always my top priorities.
Fill in the contact form for more info, we would love to hear from you,
“Thanks Chris. We did it. After 30 years of smoking Iv finally knocked the bugger off. I had tried other methods and failed . I tried cold turkey. Bioresonance, Hypnotherapy. Accupuncture, Patches, most things. Chris is supportive and non judgemental, and truly understands as she says shes been there to. The one peice of advice I can give and Chris totally agrees. You MUST WANT TO GIVE UP. Then you can be a NON smoker like me : Thanks Chris.” – Jacqui
– Chris Steadman
Stop Smoking Blenheim Hypnotherapy
Stop Smoking
No way is easier than this

Quitting smoking has immediate health benefits and dramatically reduces the risk of smoking-related diseases, whatever the person’s age. Statistics include:
- Quitting before middle age reduces the risk of lung cancer by 90%.
- After 12 to 15 years of being a non-smoker, the risk of stroke is reduced to that of a person who has never smoked
- After one year of being a non-smoker, the increased risk of death from heart attack is greatly reduced
The Ntrance Quit Smoking programme is much easier than it is to reduce weight. The reason for this is very simple. To quit smoking is simply a “Yes” or “No” decision. Do we need to smoke to survive? The simple answer is “No!” Whereas we still require food to live and exist. So the decision around weight control can be much more complex.
Often people who wish to quit, have started smoking from a very young age, often as an adolescent and have never been smoke-free in their adult life, so the adult part of them may have no idea how to cope with adult decisions, without the assistance of the smoking part.
The Ntrance Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Blenheim Program:
The focus is on identifying the smoking parts, changing habits and bringing about permanent change. This takes place over a two weekperiod and in that time, we can allow the mind and body to process and introduce new habits, thus preparing for the new way of doing things and behaving.
This programme is designed to bring about permanent change for you. By completing the programme, it is the intention that you are now a non-smoker. With the assistance of hypnotherapy is is so much easier to give up smoking with the therapy being tailored to you, because smoking is a Yes or No decision.
The programme works and has great and proven success record, as many people who have been through this programme come out the other end and when checked six months later, remain non- smokers. And that IF you really feel the urge to smoke within that six months, you can come back and we will do a top up session.
The cost: probably just a fraction of what you are already spending on cigarettes! The first session, about two hours, investigates all the issues around your smoking habit, and sets you on the right path, as we discuss together the commitment to change. We then reinforce this with hypnosis, a process which helps you to be more focussed, to create the change we are looking for.
The second session now reinforces that you have had YOUR LAST CIGARETTE EVER.
We charge $300 for the two sessions, payable on the first session. When you leave, you will receive tips on how to manage the quitting process, an MP3 player with a reinforcing track which is to be listened to every day, and, after the second session, a further recording which you will be able to listen to as long as you feel the need.
After the two sessions, if ever, in the first six months, you feel yourself thinking about smoking again, you can give us a call, and we will do our best to fit you in as quickly as possible for a top-up session for only $70. We are as determined as you that you should totally quit this habit, and easily.
For more info on finally quitting smoking, read this post.
Here’s a video you might enjoy – a guided mediation to stop smoking:
When I saw Daniel it was simple and easy, it took two sessions but I now have zero interest in cigarettes. It was pretty easy and relaxed. I would recommend Daniel’s help to anyone who want’s to kick the habit. – James
Wow!! I am writing this on behalf of my Mum who has been a heavy smoker for 25+ years. It has been 3 weeks since she went to see Chris at the Ntrance clinic and she has not touched a cigarette since. The most amazing thing is that she is not suffering any cravings or withdrawal symptoms. I am absolutely impressed!!! Thanks Chris
I found my “Quit Smoking” appointment with Chris comfortable and non-invasive. There were three parts to the session, and I felt at ease and well informed throughout the appointment. For those who want to quit I totally recommend seeing Chris, and allowing her to help you let it go without stress or anguish. Chris’s process will help you relax and look forward to brighter cleaner future. – Barbara
Today is my 4th week since quitting. I have been relaxed, and have had very minimal withdrawal. When I have felt a craving coming on, or even a thought of smoking, I just touch the little seed on my ear and it disappears straight away. The first 5 days have always been the hardest when I have tried quitting in the past, but I have navigated my way through these with ease this time. I am now looking forward to the extra money and time I have to spend on what I want, instead of wasting it on my ex-dysfunctional old friend, the Wee Willem Cigar, who was sucking the life out of me. I was smoking at least 8 of these a day. They are very strong, and would make most of my cigarette smoking friends cough up a lung with just one puff on my cigar! The second pressure point Chris put a seed on was for when you get the crazy, frustrated “quitting anger” which never really came. I did touch this point on a couple of occasions, just for normal life stuff that would have made me annoyed, but I found this to be a very calm quitting process. My teenagers and my husband were all set to duck for cover, knowing I was quitting, but they forgot I had quit after the first day, because I wasn’t showing any side effects, and I was very calm. I have noticed my food intake has remained the same, if not a little healthier, and find myself drinking more water. For those who want to quit any dysfunctional old friend who has been dragging you down, I totally recommend making an appointment with Chris, and allowing her to help you let it go without stress or anguish. We all have a million and one excuses and reasons to keep us smoking, but there are some huge reasons to quit are you brave enough. Do you know the cigarettes are lying? You can have a coffee and even talk on the phone without them. You can even forget about them. Chris’s process will help you relax and look forward to brighter cleaner future.
I am doing really well since you saw me. So now I will be booking my daughter in too as she is so impressed. Thank you so much.
Still not smoking, I live with 4 smoker’s and them smoking means nothing to me it’s not a need or a want anymore, I would even go as far as saying the thought of smoking again is sad to be trapped in a need. I had an operation recently and didn’t have to worry about the guilt of ticking the smoker box. Thanks Chris
Quit Smoking Permanently
You might win lotto….
Being half French, I often heard the story of Jeanne Calment, the world’s oldest person. She died aged 122 in France, having been a smoker for most of her life. When she was 70 years old, she ‘sold’ her house to a solicitor, the understanding being that she could live in there until she died, free of charge, but that the solicitor would take over the house upon her death. It was a gamble both ways. The solicitor, pretty sure that Madame Calment would die fairly shortly, particularly as she was a smoker, felt he was in for a bargain. But Madame Calment had no intention of passing on. In fact, she lived for a further 52 years, well outliving the solicitor and his successors.
So yes, she won lotto!. However, if you are a smoker, or you know of a smoker, here are some facts. With every cigarette smoked, approximately three thousand different chemicals are inhaled. Nine hundred of those are toxic. Some will stain teeth and fingers, some will give the smoker a whole variety of cancers. I don’t need to go on any further, the graphic illustrations on a packet of cigarettes do this. But, why does this demonstrable fear of death, disease and progressive ill health not dissuade people? Smokers fear that they are so addicted to nicotine that if they give up, they will become grumpy, put on weight and find it excruciatingly difficult. This is true whether they smoke five, or sixty a day.
So nicotine replacements have now been available for nearly thirty years. And long term, study after study shows they are effective for less than 5% who try it. Not great, especially when the science suggests 6% of people quit smoking without any intervention!
Why is this? Sticking a plaster on your arm does not deal with the reason why you smoked, and it doesn’t deal with the thought either.
But it is possible to give up painlessly without withdrawal symptoms, without putting on weight. According to the University of Washington School of Medicine in 2001 (amongst many other scientific articles), they found a 90.6% long term success rate for quitting smoking using hypnosis.
Using willpower, or nicotine replacement, does not address the core issue. When trying to quit, smokers normally suffer and find it difficult. However, through hypnotherapy, you will walk out the door as a non-smoker and do it easily and effortlessly: smoking is just a question of habit, not of addiction and habits can be broken. But of course, the smoker must really want to give up. Hypnotherapy is not a magic wand. The hypnotherapist is not a magician, but a facilitator, whose job it is to make the use of your own will-power that much easier.
So when you next sit out on your deck enjoying a lovely glass of Marlborough wine with friends and family, and someone offers you a cigarette, imagine your pride and sense of achievement when you say with a smile “No thanks, I am a non-smoker”!
Smokers Help with supplements:

Many of my clients come to me with an addiction problem, usually nicotine, sometimes alcohol and far less frequently, other substances.
Hypnosis offers a well proven way of freeing yourself from such cravings. Depending on individual variations, some people become more heavily addicted than others. Some require just one treatment and thereafter never experience a single craving for their addiction. Others are less fortunate. Their release from servitude to their demon often requires more than one treatment session and much more will-power.
The human brain has special ‘receptors’ into which addictive substances ‘fit.’ In doing so, they fill the receptors and give the sought for feeling of satisfaction. If after hypnotherapy, you are still suffering from cravings, then you should certainly book a further session with your therapist. Going cold turkey involves needless pain and very often ends in failure, with the addiction returning with redoubled force.

In the meantime there are other things to be done to ease the pain. One of the ways in which you can help yourself is by taking supplements. These supplements seek to occupy the same receptors in the brain as the addictive substances and, if these ‘good guys’ get in position first, make it that much more difficult for the ‘bad guys’ to find a place.
The most effective of these supplements is Vitamin B-3 (Niacin, or Niacinamide.) This vitamin has many other beneficial effects for your health, quite apart from helping you control cravings for harmful substances.

Another recommended supplement is Chromium Polynicotinate (GTF Chromium) to regulate and restore blood sugar levels. Lowered blood sugar levels are commonplace when giving up smoking, as smokers are habituated to an automatic small boost in blood sugar levels each time they light up. When they quit, they can experience mood swings, irritability, hunger and fatigue due to lowered blood sugar levels. GTF Chromium helps to rectify this.
And then you should also take chewable Vitamin C tablets. These are particularly useful for those giving up smoking. Heavy smokers have far lower (up to 40%) Vitamin C levels than non-smokers. This supplement helps restore your body’s balance.
Happily, none of the above supplements are expensive and there is no doubt that they can greatly help any problem cravings in the interim until your mind and body have finally been liberated.
Smoking And Hypnosis:
There’s never been a better time to give up smoking. Research just released has found that smoking is much more dangerous than commonly thought. Researchers have found that just one cigarette a day can still raise the risk of a heart attack or stroke to about half the risk from smoking 20 a day.
The belief that cutting down reduces the risk of getting smoke related disorders may be true of cancers, but isn’t true for heart disease or stroke. Looking specifically at studies which took into account a range of factors such as age, BMI, cholesterol and blood pressure, the team found that men smoking one cigarette a day have a 74% increased risk of coronary heart disease compared with never-smokers, while women who smoked one a day had a 119% increased risk.
While it might be expected that the risks of coronary heart disease or stroke for those smoking one a day would be about 5% of that for those smoking 20 a day – as is the case for lung cancer – the risk was in fact much higher.
Giving up smoking is not easy – Nicotine is present in the tobacco leaf and when a cigarette is burnt, nicotine from the tobacco leaf is inhaled in cigarette smoke by the smoker. Nicotine then enters the bloodstream via the lungs and reaches the brain within 10 seconds of inhalation. It is as addictive as heroin. Nicotine addiction is hard to beat because it changes your brain. The brain develops extra nicotine receptors to accommodate the large doses of nicotine from tobacco. When the brain stops getting the nicotine it’s used to, the result is nicotine withdrawal. You may feel anxious, irritable, and have strong cravings.

‘Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according the largest scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit’. New Scientist (vol 136 issue 1845 page 6). We at Ntrance have seen that with our own eyes, with the success of many of our clients who are still smoke free one year later. But what exactly is hypnosis?
Imagine driving home from work or from the grocery store. You’ve done it hundreds of times; maybe even thousands. You know the route like the back of your hand. If it was safe to do so, you could probably drive it with your eyes closed. Given how familiar the route is to you, your concentration wanders during the trip. You pull up into the driveway and realize that you don’t remember the last few miles of your journey.
Because, believe it or not, you were in a hypnotic trance.

So What Is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a highly focused state of mind – also known as an altered state of consciousness – whereby the unconscious mind is free to act without interference from regular consciousness and is open to suggestions from the therapist.
Put in a nutshell, hypnosis is a form of communication between two people. In order for someone to be hypnotized, they have to be willing to participate. In its purest state, hypnosis exists to help people make positive changes in their lives, from breaking bad habits to managing pain to eliminating emotional trauma from the past. So when people go into an hypnotic trance, they simply enter a relaxed state, where they focus their thoughts and energy internally, instead of focusing on the outside world. During a hypnotic trance, though they remain conscious and able to hear and understand everything that’s happening around them, their minds become particularly open to the hypnotherapist’s suggestions.
If you would like to know more information or would like to make an appointment in Blenheim, please contact Chris. Or phone her on 021 671 195
If you would like more information, or to book an appointment with Daniel in Wellington, please contact Daniel. Or phone him on: 021 203 3374
Smoking: The Short-Cut to a Shortened Life Span
Last year, my husband, Hugh, had to have a serious operation. As part of the procedure, the operation involved deflating and then re-inflating one of his lungs.
Before the operation, his surgeon asked him whether or not he smoked, or had ever smoked. Hugh was able to reply ‘no’ to both questions. Whereupon the surgeon explained that he would have refused to operate had there been any history of smoking in the past twenty or so years. He claimed that the chances of a successful outcome would have been so diminished as to make the whole procedure a waste of time and money and would have shortened, rather than prolonged Hugh’s life.
Smoking Shortens Life

Every smoker now knows that smoking will shorten their life and is likely to be the direct cause of their premature death. (And with it, all the grief they are likely to inflict on those they love.) Yet I still come across smokers who are reluctant to make any attempt to abandon the addiction. Smokers don’t need me to spell it out – the sort of information (below) is readily accessible on the Web. What they need is for me or another hypnotherapist, once they have yanked their heads out of the sand and blinked, to help them kick the habit once and for all.
For some it is easier than for others. Everyone is different. Some people get hooked after just a single cigarette. Others can smoke whenever they wish and never get gripped by the irresistible craving. Whichever way, each cigarette does equal damage to the human body. Some of my clients have no problem and are forever smoke-free after a single session. Others might need several repeats – but without exception, all can give up provided they really want to and with far less mental stress than would have been the case without the therapy on offer.
NZ Government Quit Smoking Website:
I took the following off an NZ government ‘quit smoking’ website:
Tobacco use and breathing in other people’s smoke (second-hand smoke), causes about 5,000 deaths every year through cancer, stroke and heart disease. It is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in New Zealand. To reduce your risk, you need to stop smoking completely, not just cut back. This is because people who are cutting back on the smokes draw harder on the cigarette and breathe in even more of the harmful chemicals.
If you smoke tobacco, odds are, you WILL be affected by it. Up to two-thirds of people who smoke today and continue smoking will eventually be killed by tobacco. Long-term smokers will die an average of 10 to 15 years early because of smoking. There are five times the number of deaths from tobacco use each year, than from drowning, suicide and motor vehicle accidents combined.
- Smoking causes one in four cancer deaths in New Zealand.
- It is a major cause of blindness, with about 1,300 people in New Zealand having untreatable blindness due to current and past smoking.
- If you are pregnant, inhaled smoke is a poison that enters your bloodstream and passed through the placenta to the baby. These poisons harm your baby’s health.
- Smoking increases the risk of developing cancers of the lung, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, pancreas, cervix, colon and rectum (colorectal), stomach and bladder.
- Smoking increases the risk of developing diseases of the urinary tract, pelvis, bladder and digestive tract.
- Forty percent of all strokes in people aged under 65 years are caused by smoking.
- Forty percent of heart disease in those under 65 is caused by smoking.
- Smokers have two-to-three times the risk of having a sudden cardiac death (when the heart suddenly stops beating) than non-smokers.
Cost of Smoking
Everyone has been warned; what excuse can there be for taking no heed and continuing to invest in an early death? Each year the financial cost of the habit increases. A smoker, currently smoking twenty a day on their habit, will be paying out about $10,000 before tax, and will see that money literally going up in smoke each year to buy ill-health, could surely be spent more advantageously! (Cost of Smoking Calculator)
And lastly – one more guided meditation on helping you to stop smoking!
-Chris Steadman
Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Blenheim